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Meaning of "discredits" and the crossword clue

- Blacken another's name
- Cast doubt upon
- Damage the reputation of
- Ill-repute
- Injure the reputation of
- Slander
- Smear
- Destroys a reputation
- The act of discrediting or disbelieving, or the state of being discredited or disbelieved; as, later accounts have brought the story into discredit.
- Hence, some degree of dishonor or disesteem; ill repute; reproach; -- applied to persons or things.
- To refuse credence to; not to accept as true; to disbelieve; as, the report is discredited.
- To deprive of credibility; to destroy confidence or trust in; to cause disbelief in the accuracy or authority of.
- To deprive of credit or good repute; to bring reproach upon; to make less reputable; to disgrace.

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