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Meaning of "sacred" and the crossword clue

- Blessed sort of cow site
- Consecrated
- Holy
- Scared about being worthy of worship
- See Saker.
- To consecrate; to make sacred.
- Set apart by solemn religious ceremony; especially, in a good sense, made holy; set apart to religious use; consecrated; not profane or common; as, a sacred place; a sacred day; sacred service.
- Relating to religion, or to the services of religion; not secular; religious; as, sacred history.
- Designated or exalted by a divine sanction; possessing the highest title to obedience, honor, reverence, or veneration; entitled to extreme reverence; venerable.
- Hence, not to be profaned or violated; inviolable.
- Consecrated; dedicated; devoted; -- with to.
- Solemnly devoted, in a bad sense, as to evil, vengeance, curse, or the like; accursed; baleful.

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