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Meaning of "wattled" and the crossword clue

- A tree
- Acacia
- Acacia tree
- An Australian tree
- Australian acacia tree
- Australian tree
- Interwoven fencing, ... and daub
- What’ll they say about acacia tree?
- A twig or flexible rod; hence, a hurdle made of such rods.
- A rod laid on a roof to support the thatch.
- A naked fleshy, and usually wrinkled and highly colored, process of the skin hanging from the chin or throat of a bird or reptile.
- Barbel of a fish.
- The astringent bark of several Australian trees of the genus Acacia, used in tanning; -- called also wattle bark.
- The trees from which the bark is obtained. See Savanna wattle, under Savanna.
- To bind with twigs.
- To twist or interweave, one with another, as twigs; to form a network with; to plat; as, to wattle branches.
- To form, by interweaving or platting twigs.
- of Wattle
- Furnished with wattles, or pendent fleshy processes at the chin or throat.

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